We believe sport changes lives at all levels. At all levels, in all environments, participation in sport is a foundation in aiding the growth and development of individuals and opportunities. Sports participation continues to change and growth in our ever-evolving world, it comes in many forms; participation as an athlete, as a volunteer, as a spectator, as a supporter, as an administrator, as a coach or an official, in the media, as a supportive parent or simply as a lifestyle activity you can enjoy with family and friends.

Successful sporting organisations understand their customers (all of them) and have the capacity to change and evolve to meet their expectations quickly in this consumer driven world.

Our aim is to provide and support sport and the sports industry in this continuing changing world; to maximise opportunities and deliver services that meet the expectations of today’s sports participant for long-term sustainability of sporting organisations built from re-engineered operating models.

Engage Sports International is focused on listening to your aspirations and then working with you to transform your vision into a reality.


Engage Sports International (ESI) provides an extensive range of services to the sporting sector across all levels and environments, working internationally, nationally, with government and most importantly supporting the heart of sport at grassroots and club level.

With an extensive network of skilled, experienced and specialised consultants to draw upon to meet any need, ESI are able to assist sporting organisations in undertaking reviews, implementing new directions and transforming and enhancing business practices.

Our company is committed to understanding your business, and sporting needs and then working with you on the journey of improvement, and change.

With significant experience and proven outcomes in many previous roles, our consultants offer you the highest-quality of service, committed to delivering the best outcomes achievable.


Company Directors, Shane and Fiona Coppin met through their careers in sport. At the time, Shane was CEO of one of the fastest and most exciting national sporting organisation in the country and Fiona was working as the National Business Development Manager for a nationally operating sports marketing business.

Their careers expand in-excess of 30 years in various roles within sport throughout National, State, Regional, Government sporting organisations along with local sporting clubs within Australia. As coaches, consultants, administrators, retailers, business developers and government advisers their understanding of sport extends far beyond most in the industry.

With such diverse knowledge and understanding of sports and activity based business, Engage Sports offers comprehensive consultancy packages for both sporting organisations, all government levels, business and clubs.